Yes, They are coming back - Ace actor and producer Lal has finalized the looks and characterizations of his lead artists in the much expected sequel to the nineties super hit titled as ‘Hariharnagar-2'. The movie will have Mukesh, Jagadheesh, Siddhique and Ashokan in a little more mature looks, now reaching their forties, happily leading married lives with kids. Lal is presently having the final discussions with director Siddhique with whom he has directed the original. The lead actors are all excited to do the sequel and are eagerly waiting to know how their characters have shaped up through the years. But Lal is keeping his lips locked until he finalizes the last dialogue lines .The movie will also feature Rohini, Praveena, Lakshmi Rai, Salimkumar, Janardhanan and Kochupreman. Lal is also in the lookout for a fresh female face who will don an important character in the movie. Produced by P N V associates and Lal creations, the movie will have its pooja today at Ernakulam. Planned to start its shoot by the 14 th of December, the movie will get into theatres for the next Vishu.
'Thomas kutty ....vittodaaaaa’......... Will anyone of the Mollywood’s fun loving movie fans forget this curious looking punch line? For those who have repeatedly seen and enjoyed the mess created by the foursome - Thomaskutty, Mahadevan, Govindan Kutty and Appukuuttan - in the Mega hit. In ‘Hariharnagar', this is the best news that we can offer.
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